This is serious

fluency myth buster speaking vocabulary Mar 07, 2022

If you are an engineer, technician or basically work anywhere in STEM and you can relate to this meme, and I say this with so much passion, it's time to reset your language learning strategy!


Did you know that when you're stuck at your current English level–whether that be Technical English or Business English–it is likely caused by NOT HAVING ENOUGH FUN?


Here's what you can do: 


1. What's your favourite activity to relax after a long day at the office?

Do you love reading crime novels? Great! Read them in English! Do you love binge-watching Star Trek? Awesome! Watch it in English.


2. Ever heard the expression 'use it or lose it'?

Physiotherapists often use it. But it's the same with language learning: you have to use the language. There's no way around it: you have to speak English! And if no one is willing to communicate with you, talk to yourself. All intelligent people do! 


3. Forget boring English grammar books for a moment.

What's the standard go-to reference book or code in your industry? Get your hands on the English equivalent and use it as a textbook. It doesn't get any more 'real life' than that (e.g. the Property Loss Prevention Data Sheets regarding Wind Design from FM Global or the Plan of Work from the Royal Institute of British Architects).


If you think that 'Death by Boredom' while learning English has happened to you, and you're looking for more advice, it's time to book a free 15min consultation.


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