Truth Bomb about accents + dialects business english myth buster Aug 23, 2021

TRUTH BOMB: I'm not too fond of most linguistic terms: conjugations, parataxis, subordinate...

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5 ways to AVOID vocabulary-learning-burnout! myth buster vocabulary Aug 16, 2021

5 ways to AVOID vocabulary-learning-burnout! (is that even a word?)

I hear a lot of 'my' engineers...

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What's fluency? conversational skills fluency myth buster Aug 02, 2021

My clients' desire to improve their English skills caught fire when they realised that being...

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5 Ways to stop the struggle conversational skills fluency myth buster vocabulary Jul 16, 2021

5 ways to AVOID vocabulary-learning-burnout! (is that even a word?)

I hear a lot of 'my' engineers...

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